
Quantum Machine Learning Scientist @ Terra Quantum AG


I'm Mo Kordzanganeh.

I'm a quantum machine learning scientist at Terra Quantum AG.   

I mainly explore using hybrid quantum neural networks (HQNN) to improve on classical machine learning, sometimes by digging deep into theory and other times through experimentation and solving client problems.

I'm always open to chatting about the latest research. Reach out to me on my personal email, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can: 

mo <at> kordzanganeh <dot> com

My top recommended papers: 


I live with my partner in Manchester, UK.  

We have a little cat called Mittens, because her paws are white, and the rest of her body is black. 

Quick story of my time at university from 2017 to 2021: 

Mo Presentation

My work so far: 

QML for radio astronomy

Here I present my university work at NITheCS conference.